Underwater Hull Cleaning service extended to include the cleaning of vessels’ niche areas for vessels on route to New Zealand to comply with new biofouling requirements

In May 2018, the Craft Risk Management Standard (CRMS) for Biofouling on vessels arriving to New Zealand which was implemented by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) in 2014 became mandatory. Vessel owners are now required to provide evidence of biofouling management prior to entering the New Zealand territorial waters. In order to meet the definition of a ‘clean hull’, our clients, have to ensure that the hull biofouling cover of their vessels does not exceed the biofouling thresholds.

In view of the abovementioned biofouling regulations, Divetech Marine has now extended her hull cleaning services to also include the cleaning of a vessel’s niche areas with special tools and equipment in order to remove growth from these hard-to-access areas such as the rudder horn pintle areas, overboard valve openings and sea grids, etc.

In the first half of year 2019, Divetech Marine has successfully carried out at least 5 of such cleaning operations to New Zealand Biofouling standards on vessels New Zealand bound.

With a promise of delivering quality work to our clients, Divetech Marine continues to innovate and evolve with the changing times to produce solutions that address our clients’ needs.

Overboard Valve Openings – before and after cleaning

Sea Chest Gratings – before and after cleaning

   Emergency Fire Pump Grating – before and after cleaning

Rudder Horn – before and after cleaning

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